Ask Governor Youngkin to Support Women's Right to Control Their Bodies

Several reproductive rights bills have been sent to the Governor for his signature. He has until April 8 to sign or veto them. If he does nothing they will become law.

Contact him to urge him to not veto and to support women’s right to control their bodies.

Email him here. Regrettably, there is no drop-down box on the form for women so you might use Health and Human Services–Social Services.

Call 804-786-2211 and press one to leave a message. (If it isn’t taking messages, try hitting 2.)

  • SB 15 Reproductive health care services; prohibition on extradition for certain criminal violations.

  • SB 16 Search warrants, subpoenas, court orders, or other process; menstrual health data prohibited.

  • SB 237 Contraception; establishes right to obtain, applicability, enforcement.

  • SB 716 Unprofessional conduct; disciplinary action against doctor for providing abortion care, etc.

  • HB 78 Search warrants, subpoenas, court orders, or other process; menstrual health data prohibited. (HB78 incorporated HB1359.)

  • HB 519 Unprofessional conduct; disciplinary action against doctor for providing abortion care, etc.

  • HB 609 Contraception; establishes right to obtain, applicability, enforcement.

  • HB 819 Health insurance; coverage for contraceptive drugs and devices.


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Ask your Delegate/Senator to support these bills supporting great public education