Tell Legislators to reject Governor Youngkin’s earned sentence credit amendment
Earned sentence credits make the public safer by recognizing the hard work people do while they're in prison. Lawmakers must honor their promise to Virginians and prioritize people, not prisons. Tell your legislator to reject Youngkin’s amendments here.
Ask Governor Youngkin to Support Women's Right to Control Their Bodies
Several reproductive rights bills have been sent to the Governor for his signature. He has until April 8 to sign or veto them. If he does nothing they will become law. Contact him to urge him to not veto and to support women’s right to control their bodies.
Ask your Delegate/Senator to support these bills supporting great public education
There are a handful of important public education bills pending in the state legislature. Take 5 minutes to call/email your Delegate/Senator and show your support! Read more:
Ask Governor Youngkin to Sign Sensible Gun Violence Protection Legislation
The Virginia General Assembly has passed several sensible gun violence bills that will go to the governor to be signed. These include limits on assault guns and ammunition, prohibitions on gun transfers and increased gun storage rules – to name a few. Please contact the governor and ask him to sign all of the gun violence legislation to protect Virginians.
Support SB 377: Campaign Finance Reform
SB377 would prohibit the use of campaign funds for personal expenses (e.g., country club memberships, family vacations, home mortgage payments). The House Appropriations Committee killed the House version of this bill (HB40) by never bringing it up for consideration, so the concern is that SB377 will meet the same fate.